A major key to our breakthrough comes through the practice of a word we don't often think of--forgiveness.
What we can likely get on board with is that power comes from love, not hatred, bitterness and unforgiveness. Deep down, we don't really want someone to suffer. Ultimately what we're after when our hearts are pure is restoration.
Forgiveness is not fair and it's not forgetting. What it is, is giving what God has given us, the power of the good news and extending the goodness that flows to us so that it actually gets through us.
It takes faith to forgive and our faith will not work if we don't forgive. Faith enables us to see an opportunity for freedom and restoration where others only see an opportunity for offense. On the other side of activate our faith and walking out forgiveness is something so much greater than holding a grudge.
We can't receive what we don't give. It's not about how much you want someone to suffer for the pain or the damage, but how much freedom do you desire? Do you really want to withhold what's been offered to you? Is there someone you need to forgive?