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DO I Have to Invest...

Do I have to invest in x,y,z, again?

I don't think I should have to invest in x,y,z because...what do you think?

The first thing I do when I catch these thoughts or when I hear them is get curious. Without judgement, there's no good, bad, right or wrong, why wouldn't you want to invest? Why wouldn't you want to be the best at what you do? What wouldn't you feed yourself or your business what is needed?

The short answer, because you don't want to invest or spend the cash money, honey.

However, what if you dropped the scarcity thinking for a minute and pondered about how investing could actually be fun and incredibly rewarding? I bet if you knew the impact of you're investments, you'd go all in, in a second.

Here's some words to encourage you to make courageous decisions with your investments:


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