Interesting question, eh?
One of those Facebook reminders from a year ago crossed my feed today and it was and image of the Unleash the Power Within Conference with Tony Robbins. I went for the promise--I had some potential on the inside that I wanted to unleash!
What made this experience interesting was that this wasn't my first exposure to Tony. When I was really into self-help and personal development before coaching and my spiritual encounter with God, I read Tony's books and listened to several of his teachings as soul food. I thought this was powerful that I was going into an experience not looking for my Source of my power but with the intentions to challenge my beliefs and go through a facilitated process of looking at anything that may be blocking me internally.
One thing I noticed was that it's one thing to activate energy and it's quite another to keep doing the work on ourselves and challenge our beliefs and behaviors. That take commitment and is something I wasn't able to sustain apart from God. I could listen to great teaching, try different modalities and keep trying to change myself but I needed the God-factor to experience real transformation.
In hindsight, a key takeaway from the event was this: in order to experience an extraordinary life, we must know where our power comes from and raise our standards.
Watch this video and Subscribe to the channel to get more practical wisdom and spirit-filled real talk!
Here are are few ways to raise our standards:
Turn your shoulds into musts
Be willing to do your part
Identify your core values
Get clear on your identity and core concept
Remove the energy blocks that may be keeping you stuck
Where do you get your power from?