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From Blessed to being a blessing

Blessings on blessings on blessings...that's like music to our ears!  So much so at times that we've fallen into conspicuous consumption where we project an identity around prestige that we don't actually have.  The truth--you don't outgrow behavioral problems, you learn discipline and self-control and apply principles that bring different outcomes.  Is it time to set up a divine date to recalibrate?

Ready to bring on the blessings?

  1. Write a Plan-As we learn to steward well what we are given, we can receive more

  2. Act Your Wage-Learn to to live on less than what you have. This require self-control and eliminating impulse spending. Force yourself to wait before making purchases that aren't necessities.

  3. Save Money-Whether it's an emergency fund (3-6 months of earnings), paying with cash for things, investing in wealth building or just get out of debt, what we do with our finances is impactful.

  4. Give your Tithes-No tithe police here, but test God as see what happens when you actually keep the Main thing the Main thing.

Tune in to Episode 32 over on the Spirit Filled Real Talk Podcast to bring on the blessings. Make sure to subscribe!

Instagram: @msjulianapage


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