Boundaries! Only our favorite word, right!? Actually, when we recognize the freedom boundaries create, yes! Where we often encounter turbulence is when we get entangled with other's work and neglect tending to our own. There are a few areas that once we become radically responsible for these, everything changes...for the better! Tune in to find out what is actually your responsibility and what you can empower others to be responsible for.
Here is a teaser...
My feelings and emotions. Life get's so much easier when we realize this!
My attitudes. The way I think about life is up to me. I can be powerful without the participation of others.
My choices. When I own every choice I can live powerfully.
We're created to help others, yes, but we're not here to do other people's work for them. How would your life change if you decided to tend your garden daily and if you'd empower others to tend to theirs?
EPISDOE 35: bit.ly/julianapagepodcast
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