We all have situations where we’ve been betrayed.
What I’ve found—self-betrayals are the most painful. Self-betrayal is allowing fear to overrule the still small voice of truth within. Anytime we do that, we abandon ourselves a bit, we normalize inauthenticity, we distance ourselves from becoming the people we’re created to be.
It’s a slippery slope that eventually brings us to a crossroads— we can become stuck in a bad moment forever or we can put it behind us for good. We decide our path.
Many are given opportunities to change but few take action to cleanse their spirit. Not you.
Here are some practical ways to recover your faith after betrayal:
1. Erase the imprints of betrayal. The wounds of betrayal can be so submerged in our subconscious mind that they might be difficult to extract. Meditating on the Word can help to reach the root of former deception and jumpstart the healing process.
2. Forgive. Forgiving does not mean accepting the wrong behavior of others; it means releasing the pain, frustration, and bitterness buried within to God and living in freedom.
3. Start faith slow. Your faith wasn't damaged in one day, so it requires a commitment to rebuild. At first, you might find it hard to trust anyone, but slowly and surely you'll find yourself choosing connecting and keeping your love on.
4. Find others who have faith. Distance yourself from people that are not healthy for you. Iron sharpens iron. There are many wonderful, honest people who want to earn your trust. Surround yourself with people that call forth your greatness and keep you accountable.
5. Regain faith in yourself. The first person you have to trust is yourself. Develop a deep, unbreakable bond with your outstanding abilities and your own self-vows. Make a new promise to yourself each month. Keep that promise and take small, daily steps until it becomes habit.
Tune into your inner knowing on what to do and follow through. Compete with who God made you capable of becoming. Focus on service. Allow God and love to use you. It’s not about you and you don’t have to carry it all yourself.
To newfound faith!